Packaging is a valuable material that can protect the product placed in the package, deliver the product to you in the cleanest and most reliable conditions, and facilitate its transportation and storage. Basic functions of the package; It can also be summarized as keeping, transportation and selling. Software packages are classified according to their areas of use: The main packaging or sales package is the packaging class that surrounds the product when it is sold to the final consumer. It includes packages that are in direct contact with the product and other packaging components (such as bottle caps and labels) needed to complete the sales department.

It is the third class of packaging used to transport multiple sales units, to facilitate their transportation or to prevent physical damage during transportation. A packaging group created by combining more than one distribution package for unit loading - loading / unloading operations is called unit loading. Along with the function, packaging is often defined by the designated destination: Consumer packaging that reaches the commercial point of sale eventually reaches the consumer in the form of a sales unit.